Problem installing QIIME2 windows11

Hello! I'm a qiime 2 beginner I'm trying to instal within the miniconda enviroment but this message keeps popping up. What should I do?

Hi @Laila_Ferrera,

Welcome to the :qiime2: forum!

It looks like you're trying to install QIIME 2 directly into Windows. The software makes some assumptions about your system that don't work with a standard windows machine. Check out the installation docs for suggestions for options to install QIIME 2 on a windows machine.

I'd also recommend reading the docs in general.



Hi Justine! I managed to create qiime2 environment, now I'm having another problem!! Please help :pleading_face:

This is the latest issue!

Hello Laila,

Thanks for taking a look at the install docs. Did you read what Justine mentioned?

Did you install conda on windows, or on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)? :snake:


Yes! Thank you! I have successfully downloaded qiime 2 within miniconda env on ubuntu.
Thank you for your help!


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