primer sequences in ASV's after completing Qiime pipeline

Hi @Stephanie_Richard,

Perhaps there is something here that'll help? Note, the comments about --p-match-adapter-wildcards probably do not help, as I think we set that as default in the later versions of :qiime2:.

Have you compared the trimmed sequence that still contains the primer with the original sequence? Perhaps there was a library preparation issue and/or sequencing error that resulted in multiple copies of the primer sequence? In which case you can set the --p-times 2.

Sometimes, there are a few almost identical sub-sequences within 16S that can make it appear that a primer is still present, when it is just a neighboring, yet very similar sub-sequence that is not actually the primer. Can you paste an example of a sequence (with the primer) before and after primer trimming, along with the primer sequence? I'd help to see the actual commands you're running too. :slight_smile:


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