Plugin error from feature-classifier problem

When I try to do Taxonomy classifiers using Greengenes 13_8 99% OTUs I get the following comment:

“Plugin error from feature-classifier:
The scikit-learn version (0.23.1) used to generate this artifact does not match the current version of scikit-learn installed (0.23.2). Please retrain your classifier for your current deployment to prevent data-corruption errors.
Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-xki1evve.log”

I didn’t find a database for version 0.23.2. What can I do?

Hi @Hila_t!

Did you install some other plugins or tools in your QIIME 2 environment? QIIME 2 2020.11 ships with scikit-learn 0.23.1 (which is why the classifiers are trained with that version) - if you don't have that version of skl installed it might be because you have installed or updated some other tools in the environment. If you create a new QIIME 2 env, following the installation instructions at, you should be all set to use the 0.23.1 classifiers there.

Keep us posted!

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