Plugin error from emperor: 'One or more custom axes headers are not present in the sample information

I ran the following command

qiime emperor plot --i-pcoa core-metrics-results/unweighted_unifrac_pcoa_results.qza --m-metadata-file Oligo26\ metadata\ incl\ blk\ and\ mock.csv --p-custom-axes treatmeant_numeric --o-visualization core-metrics-results/unweighted-unifrac-emperor-treatment.qzv

And I got a plugin error

Plugin error from emperor:

'One or more custom axes headers are not present in the sample information: treatmeant_numeric'

Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-ly3yw9kd.log
Oligo26 metadata incl blk and mock.csv (2.7 KB)

I have uploaded my metadata file.

Can you please help

Thank you very much.

Good morning @Saba_NTU

Welcome to the Qiime 2 forums! :qiime2:

I think I found the issue. In the command it says
but in csv file it says:

Try editing that so it matches, and try it again. :memo:



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