Non-matching sample IDs error

Hi All,

I'm having issues with qiime not recognizing my sample IDs. I've double checked and remade my metadata file and have checked it with Keemei. I can't figure out what the problem is, especially because I've used the same sample sheet for a previous analysis in QIIME2. I looked at the filtered table I generated earlier to make sure the sample IDs matched (uploaded the image)


I'm also attaching the metadata file: metadata_16s.tsv (7.5 KB)

(qiime2-2019.1) [lauren@pugh 16S_Plaque]$ qiime feature-table summarize --i-table 16S_table.qza --o-visualization 16S_table.qzv --m-sample-metadata-file metadata_16s.tsv
Plugin error from feature-table:

The following IDs are not present in the metadata: '2L13-PD', '2L13-PE', '2L13-PF', '2L17-PE', '2L17-PF', '2L2-PD', '2L2-PE', '2L2-PF', '2L23-PD', '2L23-PE', '2L23-PF', '2L3-PF', '2L4-PF', '2L46-PE', '2L46-PF', '2L47-PE', '2L47-PF', '2L49-PF', '2L50-PE', '2L50-PF', '2L51-PF', '2L52-PF', '2L53-PF', '2L55-PF', '2L58-PE', '2L58-PF', '2L59-PF', '2L60-PE', '2L60-PF', '2L61-PD', '2L61-PE', '2L61-PF', '2L62-PF', '2L63-PE', '2L63-PF', '2L64-PD', '2L64-PE', '2L64-PF', '2L65-PF', '2L66-PE', '2L67-PF', '2L69-PD', '2L69-PE', '2L69-PF', '2L70-PD', '2L70-PE', '2L70-PF', '2L71-PE', '2L71-PF', '2L72-PE', '2L72-PF', '2L73-PD', '2L73-PE', '2L73-PF', '2L74-PD', '2L74-PE', '2L74-PF', '2L75-PD', '2L75-PE', '2L75-PF', '2L76-PD', '2L76-PE', '2L76-PF', '4L47-PD', '4L48-PD', '4L48-PE', '4L50-PE', '4L50-PF', '4L58-PE', '4L59-PF', '4L61-PD', '4L61-PF', '4L62-PE', '4L63-PE', '4L69-PD', '4L70-PD', '4L70-PE', '4L72-PE', '4L73-PD', '4L73-PE', '4L74-PE', '4L74-PF'

I've remade the sample sheet (I noticed that there was an error with Input name and sample ID) mapping_16s_corrected.tsv (7.6 KB)

and tried to re-run again, and I'm still getting the error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Laureen,

I just had a quick look at your file so I may be totally out of track, however all the sample identifiers end with a ‘1’, while the sample identifier you used at th e importing step do not end with a number. Eg:
Imported: 2L13-PD
Metadata: 2L13-PD1

In general, in the metadata file, I would exclude the following columns: “BarcodeSequence”, “LinkerPrimerSequence”, “InputFileName”
because they wont add any useful information for alpha- and beta- diversity analyses.



Hi Luca,

Thank you so much! I think I’ve been looking at these files too long, that’s the problem! Much appreciated!
