Mixed orientation data

Hi @c.older, thanks for this info!

What I am having a hard time following is the business about sample labels / orientations being swapped.

Since you used a manifest format QIIME 2 doesn't need to "figure out" the direction --- it uses the direction you specified in your manifest! At first glance, I think if there are issues with fwd/rev files being swapped, I would triple-check the manifest to make sure there aren't any mistakes there.

The reason it aligns to the forward read here is because this method only operates on single-end reads. That means that if you pass in paired-end reads, the reverse reads will be discarded.

In your example are SAMPLE_1 and SAMPLE_2 one sample (fwd and rev) or two samples (one direction)?

Can you provide an example of this that illustrates the issue?

I am wondering if you are running into another variation of the bug reported here:

but, I need a bit more information to be sure (requested above). In the meantime, can you share some manifest or demux seqs in the DM you opened up with me? Thanks! :t_rex: