Install qiime2-2019.1 failed: could not parse '- qiime2/label/r2019.1'

Today, I am trying to install qiime2-2019.1 according to native installation instruction and get the following message:

CondaValueError: could not parse ‘-qiime2/label/r2019.1’ in : qiime2-2019.1-py36-linux-conda.yml

The linux system is Ubuntu 14.04 and the conda version 4.6.4.

I am wondering if there is anything wrong with the installation.

kind regards

We see this error when you forget to include the env in the install command:

# bad
conda create -n qiime2-2019.1 --file qiime2-2019.1-py36-osx-conda.yml
# good
conda env create -n qiime2-2019.1 --file qiime2-2019.1-py36-osx-conda.yml

Can you double-check your install command?


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