Import Error- 1/2) Invalid value for '--input-path': Path 'paired-end-demux.qza' does not exist. (2/2) Missing option '--output-path'.

Hi @ColeARoman,

Welcome to the :qiime2: forum!

The error is telling you that it cannot read the file path as it is written. I think what is tripping it up is the "< >" around the file path. Also there should be a space after the file path and --output-path...
But looking at the screenshot it looks like you were figuring those things out on your own :+1:

On this attempt:

the file paths work but it appears that your manifest is not ASCII or UTF8 encoded.
By searching the forum for this issue I found many posts about this error.
This post has some helpful info on how to fix this issue, I believe you may need to re-encode your manifest file.
Once you do that, try again. I recommend using absolute file paths for the input and output paths if possible. If this doesn't work post the error here and we can work through it!
