Hello! I am relatively new to QIIME2, but there are some analysis that this software provide that are of interest for me. Here’s what I have done so far:
I have a set of COVID-19+ and COVID-19- patients metagenome and metatranscriptome that I ran with a metagenomics software. However, this software does not provide me with a distance matrix nor visualization plots. Basically it provides me with what organisms are there vs what is not there. Right now we are interested in creating an Unweighted UniFrac plot that can tell us if the centroids (via PERMANOVA) are significantly different form each other. For this, I have a table that looks more or less like this:
Sample 1. Sample 2 … Sample n
OTU1. 1 0 1
OTU2 1 1 0
OTUn. 1 0 0
As you can see, in my previous table I have 1’s for organism present, and 0’s for absence. Because this approach only takes presence and absence, I am interested in a beta-diversity analysis like the aforementioned unweighted unifrac plot that does not consider read abundance. However, I tried converting this table into a QIIME2 artifact in order to get a distance matrix and be able to generate said plot, but I think I am stuck with how to do so…
Help please!!