How to get RDP classifier into .qza format?

Hi @microbiomeAnalyst,
The RDP classifier cannot be used in QIIME2.

The RDP reference database could be used as the reference database for training a classifier for use with classify-sklearn, however.

You cannot process that file with dada2 — there are no quality scores! (I assume). dada2 is just for denoising.

There are lots of different reference databases out there, we can't list them all :wink:. To figure out how to import the RDP database, just check out the formats of those SILVA or Greengenes file — it should be straightforward to reformat the RDP reference database for your needs. Then follow this tutorial to import and train a classifier with those files.

Yep, both are naive Bayes classifiers — so same algorithm but slightly different implementations. For practical purposes you can consider these to be approximately the same (performance is rather similar, too).

You need to use this method for any sklearn-based classifier. If that means training a naive Bayes classifier following the tutorial above, then yes, that is the method to use. You cannot actually use RDP classifier, i.e., the software package.

Nope, cannot be done. You can use the same reference database, but need to use the sklearn classifier or one of the other taxonomy classifiers in QIIME 2 (e.g., the blast- or vsearch-based classifiers).

I hope that helps!

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