How to build a tree with tips collapsed based on the taxonomic classification

I need to generate a phylogenetic tree where the tips are collapsed according to their taxonomic classification with different colours for the taxa. I have already generated the output files from phylogeny (rooted-tree.qza) and taxonomy (taxonomy.qza) steps in QIIME2-2017.12. But, I am not sure how to merge these two artifacts to build a tree with more that 4000 featureIDs showing taxa in different colours and the taxa names (colour) in legend. Please help me if this can be done using QIIME2. Here is an example figure




Hi @bsen2018,
QIIME2 does not currently provide support for any tree visualization tools. However, a number of forum users have discussed using iTOL — please check out this post which gives some insight for exporting and reformatting data for use with iTOL — it looks like that should get you part of the way toward your goal (viewing taxonomy annotations on your tree) but you should check out the iTOL docs and support to see if that is the right tool for you.

I hope that helps!


Thanks @Nicholas_Bokulich! Your suggestion was indeed helpful for tree visualization.


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