heatmap-sample ids not appearing in custom order

Sorry to post this again-this is from a previous thread, I tried to order my samples in the heatmap, I seem to be stuck somewhere I cannot understand.

I did what @thermokarst suggested in this post: disabled the --p-cluster option, however, my sample ids are not in the order they are in the sample metadata file.

Please let me mention my exact flow of operations:

  • Created a tabulated feature metadata .qzv file using qiime metadata tabulate
  • From visualization of the .qzv file, I prepared the feature-table tab separated file . Columns were id, feature (the sequence), taxonomy, confidence values
  • I edited this sheet manually to separate the taxonomy into phyla, class etc. columns. All these columns are categorical
  • I next use qiime feature-table group to group at phyla level by summing the values. Here is the command:

qiime feature-table group
–i-table my-table.qza
–p-axis ‘feature’
–m-metadata-file feature-metadata-edit.tsv
–m-metadata-column Phyla
–p-mode ‘sum’
–o-grouped-table grouped-phyla-feature-metadata-edit

  • Finally, I ran the heatmap script:

qiime feature-table heatmap
–i-table grouped-phyla-feature-metadata-edit.qza
–p-color-scheme ‘ocean_r’
–o-visualization HEAT-MAPS/feature-metadata-edit.qzv

PS: I tried all variations of the --p-cluster command (including not mentioning it), yet the order of sample ids in the heatmap is the same.

So, I tried visualizing the grouped table using:

qiime metadata tabulate
–m-input-file grouped-phyla-feature-metadata-edit.qza
–o-visualization HEAT-MAPS/example-feature-metadata.qzv

Guess what: the sample ids in the grouped feature table are the same as they are in the heatmap, which makes sense. So I was wondering if there is no way to change this order

Attempt 2: I ran this command:

qiime feature-table heatmap
–i-table grouped-phyla-feature-metadata-edit.qza
–m-sample-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv
–m-sample-metadata-column Day
–p-cluster ‘features’
–p-color-scheme ‘ocean_r’
–o-visualization HEAT-MAPS/example-feature-metadata-2.qzv

Here as well I tried changing --p-cluster to ‘none’, but it does not work. I also referred to earlier posts in the forum.

So here are my inferences:

  • either I am not understanding the --p-cluster command usage, OR
  • I fail to understand why changing the order in the sample metadata file is not seen in the heatmap.
  • I also tried to match feature-ids (in the feature metadata) to sample-ids (in the sample metadata) to see if I could change the order in the feature-table itself, yet couldn’t do that too!
  • Tried to change the grouped-table artifact-not happening (sigh!)

I am sorry this is very long post. Believe me I tried to troubleshoot this-I went back to provenance of each of the commands to see file-paths etc. yet there is somewhere I am missing out. If you could help (some hint), that would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:


A post was merged into an existing topic: making sample-ids appear in a specific order in the heatmap