Having trouble with the Atacama soil microbiome tutorial

Like that title says I am having trouble following the Atacama soil microbiome tutorial. More specifically I am having trouble with one step that I can’t seem to get past. The command is:
qiime tools export
–input-path demux-subsample.qzv
–output-path ./demux-subsample/

qiime demux filter-samples
–i-demux demux-subsample.qza
–m-metadata-file ./demux-subsample/per-sample-fastq-counts.tsv
–p-where ‘CAST([forward sequence count] AS INT) > 100’
–o-filtered-demux demux.qza

The first part of the command works fine but the second part throws out this error: "There was an issue with loading the file ./demux-subsample/per-sample-fastq-counts.tsv as metadata:

Metadata file path doesn’t exist, or the path points to something other than a file. Please check that the path exists, has read permissions, and points to a regular file (not a directory): ./demux-subsample/per-sample-fastq-counts.tsv

There may be more errors present in the metadata file. To get a full report, sample/feature metadata files can be validated with Keemei: https://keemei.qiime2.org

Find details on QIIME 2 metadata requirements here: https://docs.qiime2.org/2019.10/tutorials/metadata/
I looked in the file that the first command created and there is no .tsv file like the error said but there is a .csv file with the same name. So I tried changing the .tsv in the second command to a .csv and I got this error: "There was an issue with loading the file ./demux-subsample/per-sample-fastq-counts.csv as metadata:

Found unrecognized ID column name ‘sample_name,SampleID’ while searching for header. The first column name in the header defines the ID column, and must be one of these values:

Case-insensitive: ‘feature id’, ‘feature-id’, ‘featureid’, ‘id’, ‘sample id’, ‘sample-id’, ‘sampleid’

Case-sensitive: ‘#OTU ID’, ‘#OTUID’, ‘#Sample ID’, ‘#SampleID’, ‘sample_name’

There may be more errors present in the metadata file. To get a full report, sample/feature metadata files can be validated with Keemei: https://keemei.qiime2.org

Find details on QIIME 2 metadata requirements here: https://docs.qiime2.org/2019.10/tutorials/metadata/"

So what can I do to make this command work and move on with the tutorial. Thank you in advance

Hello @Gravity. Based on the links you're getting in your error messages it looks like you're using QIIME 2 2019.10. The QIIME 2 2019.10 version of the tutorial doesn't contain that command. If you look at the top left you'll find a drop down menu with the version in it.

Please select the version of QIIME 2 you're using from that menu and follow that version of the tutorial, or update QIIME 2.

Thank you.

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Thank you, it worked. Such a simple solution, I should have realized.

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