Gneiss Add-pseudocount option


I read that in the new release of qiime2019.7 add-pseudo count option has been removed.
so basically should i use this following command directly:

qiime gneiss correlation-clustering \

–i-table table.qza \ (file generated after dada2 step or which file will be as input here?)

–o-clustering hierarchy.qza


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I actually found out the solution after writing this message. --p-pseudocount is already added in coorelation clusteringand also some other features of gneiss.

so basically if anyone wants to run qiime gneiss correlation-clustering --i-table table.qza --p-pseudocount 0.5 --o-clustering heirarchy.qza.

similarly this can be used in dendogram-heatmap and other 3 or 4 features of gneiss.


Thanks for sharing, @Kpatel. In the future, please do not direct message your questions to moderators or users, just post them directly to the forum.

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