general discussion of qiime2r tutorial

Ah yes this is what I wanted all this time! Thank you! Also good tips, I didn't know that we can run selected code. I ended up assigning new SVs upto SVs15 lol. Thank you!

Also, my heatmap did not show similar y label as yours. I think it is because of this part of the code?

mutate(Feature=paste(Feature.ID, Taxon)) %>%
mutate(Feature=gsub("[kpcofgs]__", "", Feature)) %>% # trim out leading text from taxonomy string
ggplot(aes(x=SampleID, y=Feature, fill=NormAbundance)) +

The y from aes() asking for Feature column, but other than k__Bacteria;p__Bacteroides…etc line, there are also some random character of Feature.ID from mutate(paste()) function above it. That, or is it just me making mistake? What do you think, sir?
Also, what is that Feature.ID? They are from QIIME2 table.qza but, what algorithms do they use to generate the Feature.ID?

Thank you.