Feature Classifier Security Risk?

To clarify, on the Q2 docs we are advised that using pre-trained feature classifiers pose a security risk unless we know the source. Does this apply to the pre-trained classifiers on the Q2 website? Or only the ones that we might obtain from a third party on the forum?

Thank you!

Hi there @Ariangela_Davis!

It applies to all feature classifiers that you did not train yourself. This includes the ones on docs.qiime2.org, technically. The reason for the warning is that the nature of the pre-trained classifiers exposes you, the end user, to the execution of what is essentially "random" code (the pre-trained classifier).

To learn a bit more about why this is a security consideration, please check out this resource from scikit-learn, the tool underpinning the pre-trained feature classifiers:

If you have security concerns (or your institution does), the easiest solution is to train your own feature classifier!


Okay, I will try to do that.

Thank you!

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