FASTQ Files Importing Error

Just to provide some closure, I think I found the issue:

(via hexdump -C <filename>)

00000000  ef bb bf 73 61 6d 70 6c  65 2d 69 64 2c 61 62 73  |...sample-id,abs|
00000010  6f 6c 75 74 65 2d 66 69  6c 65 70 61 74 68 2c 64  |olute-filepath,d|
00000020  69 72 65 63 74 69 6f 6e  0d 0a 35 30 30 36 34 2c  |irection..50064,|

First column is position, next two are the bytes as a single hex number and finally the ASCII value (if it is a visible character, otherwise it will be a dot)

Here we see that there are 3 bytes in front of the sample-id which starts the file. It appears you have an UTF-8 byte order mark, which is actually pretty rare, as UTF-8 doesn't have byte ordering issues like UTF-16 does.

Nonetheless, it was enough for QIIME 2 to get spooked and so when you used TextEdit, it likely stripped those bytes out making it work correctly again.

This is ultimately related to this issue:

(I just listed it as a good #hacktoberfest PR if anyone is interested in trying their hand at development, the fix is actually very straight-forward)

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