.FASTA files & metadata files not jiving

I should start by correcting my OP. I started with DEMULTIPLEXED sequences, not dereplicated sequences.

To import, I used the code:

qiime tools import --type 'SequenceData[Sequences]' --input-path Hines_SeqData_Final.fasta --output-path Hines_RepSeqs.qza

Yes, I used q2-vsearch to dereplicate the sequences after import, but not before following the q2-ghost-tree community tutorial guidelines for importing & rooting a pre-built tree, downloading the UNITE database, clustering my sequences into 99% OTUs, & created artifacts for my OTU table.

qiime vsearch dereplicate-sequences \
  --i-sequences Hines_Seqs.qza \
  --o-dereplicated-table Hines_table.qza \
  --o-dereplicated-sequences Hines_rep-seqs.qza

qiime vsearch cluster-features-closed-reference \
  --i-table Hines_table.qza \
  --i-sequences Hines_RepSeqs.qza \
  --i-reference-sequences sh_refs_qiime_ver7_99_01.12.2017_dev.qza \
  --p-perc-identity 0.99 \
  --o-clustered-table Hines_table_99.qza \
  --o-clustered-sequences Hines_RepSeqs_99.qza \
  --o-unmatched-sequences Hines_unmatched_99.qza

I then used the q2-diversity plugin to create that specific table using commands from this post.:

  qiime diversity alpha \
  --i-table Hines_table_99.qza \
  --p-metric observed_otus \
  --o-alpha-diversity Hines_observed_otus_vector.qza