Error installing q2studio

I have been trying to install q2studio and got this error:
(I have downloaded and unzip the q2studio in my home directory, I am installing ¡¡g it in a iMac with OS El Capitan 11.6 and have installed node V6.10.3)

Blancas-iMac:q2studio-2017.5.0 blancablanda$ pip install .
Processing /Users/blancablanda/q2studio-2017.5.0
Collecting click (from q2studio==2017.5.0)
Using cached click-6.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting flask (from q2studio==2017.5.0)
Using cached Flask-0.12.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting gevent (from q2studio==2017.5.0)
Using cached gevent-1.2.1-cp36-cp36m-macosx_10_6_intel.whl
Collecting qiime2==2017.5.* (from q2studio==2017.5.0)
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement qiime2==2017.5.* (from q2studio==2017.5.0) (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for qiime2==2017.5.* (from q2studio==2017.5.0)

I followed the next steps but I got an empty screen when executing nmp start

What is wrong?

Hello @blanca.landa,

Did you install it in your QIIME 2 environment? You’ll need to activate it before running the pip install . command.

Dear Evan
I started from the beginning with the instalation and now it worked it seems I did not activated it before running the pi command

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