Error during importing data

Hello, I am a new user and installed Qiime 2 on VB and tried to run the examples in the tutorial and got this error in the first step

I downloaded the sequences and barcode files and copied them in the new file that i created in qiime qiime2-picture-tutorial

I don't know how to start. could you please help me?

I appreciate your great efforts.

Hi @zeineldn,

Your sequences and barcodes file need to be in the directory you give to --input-path (in this case emp-single-end-sequences/. I suspect your files just need to be moved in there.

If that doesn’t work/make sense, could you provide an ls of the following places?:

ls ~/qiime2-picture-tutorial
ls ~/qiime2-picture-tutorial/emp-single-end-sequences

Then I’ll be able to walk you through the steps.


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