Does anyone know if there's a way to get statistics after feature filtering?

Hi buddies!

I'm working with ITS sequences and I used to make the analysis with flash and vsearch and then, import my data to Qiime, but most people told me that it's better to use qiime2 since the beginning, so i started to work on it.

I imported my raw data and then I used the DADA2 plugin to merge, denoising, etc, and i got 3 q2 artifacts:
Representative sequences
Denoising stats
Feature table

After that, in order to remove singletons, i filtered by frequency my feature table and my representative sequences too, but now, I want to know how that statistics have changed.

Does anyone know how to get it? Or I have to do it forcely in excel?

Thanks :pray:

The denoising stats will be from the original DADA2 run, so you will have to make new stats after you perform new filtering.

You could do this by running qiime feature-table summarize on your filtered table and comparing results to your original, unfiltered DADA2 table.

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