differences between 2022 and 2023 release of UNITE

Hi @arwqiime,

I noticed that you are downloading and importing the UNITE data manually. At least that is what it looks like given the provenance information. You can make use of qiime rescript get-unite-data ... to make your life much easier. It'll also reduce any potential mismatches between the taxonomy and sequence files. See the tutorial here.

Speaking of which, it appears that you are using the UNITE dev files for 2022 and the regular files for 2023. This might be part of the inconsistency you are observing. I suggest using RESCRIPt to fetch these files for you. RESCRIPt is also part of the base QIIME 2 "amplicon" distribution for 2024.2.

I am not too surprised that you'd see differences between database releases, as there are always corrections and taxonomy change updates. That is, removing poor reference data and including better reference data. Perhaps use RESCRIPt to fetch your data and compare the results again?