Converting .qza to .qzv

Can anyone suggest me how to convert alinged-rep-seqs.qza to alinged-rep-seqs.qzv?

Hi @Shaan,

Unfortunately there is no way to visualize the aligned-rep-seqs file as it is not in the FeatureData[Sequence] format that the tabulate-seqs action expects. This may be possibly something that the developers may consider creating in the future but I imagine since it is more of an in-between step it doesn’t really have that much priority backing it. You can however visualize the non-aligned version of your rep-seqs, which may or may not give you what need.

qiime feature-table tabulate-seqs \
  --i-data rep-seqs.qza \
  --o-visualization rep-seqs.qzv

Or once you have your tree constructed you can visualize those using a variety of tools, the easiest one probably would be iTOL which accepts qiime artifacts as is.
Lastly, if you have your own methods of visualization, you can simply export the fastq file within your aligned-rep-seqs.qza (in the data folder) and visualize as you please.
Good luck!


Hi @Mehrbod_Estaki, Thanks for your kind suggestion.

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