Can't load directly from google drive to QIIME 2 View

Dear Forum,

This might be a case of not your problem, but when I tried to directly open a link from google drive in QIIME 2 View it failed with the following error:

TypeError: Cross-origin redirection to denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.


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Hello Ben,

Thanks for reporting this. I hope this issue didn’t slip through the cracks.

TypeError: Cross-origin redirection to denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

I’m not sure I’m getting this error myself, and I can open this link in google drive just fine:
(I hope you are cool with that being public :grimacing:)

What steps can I take to reproduce this error?


Hey @colinbrislawn & @BenKaehler!

This behavior is expected (CORS policy), and is documented on q2view’s “About” page:

TLDR, CORS is a browser’s security policy against malicious content. As far as Google Drive goes, I am not sure that they support CORS-enabled requests.

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Thanks @colinbrislawn and @thermokarst!

No probs. There is the obvious workaround.

Might be worth noting if we ever write a tutorial on how to view qzvs.


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