Cannot merge metadata with overlapping columns. The following columns overlap:

Dear all, I am trying to run the
qiime longitudinal linear-mixed-effects
--m-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv
--m-metadata-file ./core-metrics-results/shannon.qza
--p-metric shannon
--p-group-columns group
--p-state-column Process_time
--p-individual-id-column sample
--o-visualization linear-mixed-effects-Site-Process.qzv

But it gives me the following error

There was an issue with merging QIIME 2 Metadata:
Cannot merge metadata with overlapping columns. The following columns overlap: 'shannon_entropy'

Would love if any one explain what does means verlapping columns and also I changed shannon to shannon_entropy it give me the error

Thank u in advance

Is it possible that you have a column in your metadata file named "shannon_entropy"?
Plugin tries to merge metadata file with shannon artifact from core metrics and complains that you already have such column in the metadata file.

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