Any tips on starting processing on Qiime1 and transitioning to Qiime2 after splitting libraries?


I participated on the seminar in Phoenix and am eager to start using Qiime2 to analyze my data!
In brief, I have 6 MiSeq runs already demultiplexed and concatenated in a single fna file. I would like to import this on Qiime2 and run most of the analysis we learned on the moving pictures tutorial.

My questions are:
Is this possible?
Does Qiime2 have a something similar to
How should I proceed to make my fna file into a qza?
Should I transition even further down the pipeline?

I know that for the time being, running DADA2 in this amount of data starting from raw sequences is not feasible, so I would love to use the first steps I performed on Qiime1 and analyze everything in Qiime2.

Please bare with me, I am a veterinarian that just found out the amazing universe of coding!
Thank you, I appreciate all the help!
