ANCOM-BC formula when using multiple metadata columns

That's right.

I think the Qiime2 plugin selects a baseline group to test against. Maybe by what is first in the metadata?
So for var1, A becomes baseline and for var2, Y becomes baseline.

var1::A is missing, because it's the baseline
var2::Y is missing, because it's the baseline

You can also set a baseline explicitly using the plugin. There may be even more options in the R package.

This does not sound right... :thinking:

I think results for all samples are reported, including those in the baseline cohort.

I tried to find official R docs on this and could not. :upside_down_face:

Some tests are invariant to order, so their formulas are too. Easy!
Some packages implement tests in which the order of variables matters, like vegan::adonis().

Try it out for yourself!

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