adjusted analysis ancom

Hi @kimshinseung,
Hmm, neither ANCOM (in q2) or ANCOM2 handle correlation analysis as far as I know. ANCOM2 can handle co-variables and longitudinal analysis, if that is what you are referring to. Though I'm not sure what the question of volcano plots code has to do with that...perhaps I'm not understanding what you're trying to do. But either way, to reproduce the volcano plots in R can be as easy or as complicated as you want it to be.
Once you download the raw TSV file from the q2-ancom visualizer, import it into R (here called data) and you can run something like this:
With base R:


And you can add all the bells and whistles as you want.
Or if you're using ggplot, a very simple version could be:

sig.w<- data$W >50 #arbitrarily setting sig W value
data$sig.w <- sig.w
ggplot(data) +
        geom_point(aes(x=clr, y=W, colour=sig.w)) +
        ggtitle("Volcano Plot") +
        xlab("clr") + 